International Presbytery

Christ Church is part of the International Presbytery (formally the Presbytery of Europe). The International Presbytery normally meets twice each year rotating the meetings around the European Congregations. Meetings are normally held on a Friday and Saturday with the local congregation playing host.

As a Presbyterian church, the Church of Scotland has no bishops. Instead, courts of ministers, elders and deacons have collective responsibility for the governance of the church. The Presbytery is the intermediate court of the church, subject to the General Assembly and responsible for the oversight of Kirk Sessions (at a congregational level.)

The International Presbytery is one of three presbyteries operating outside Scotland (the other two are the Presbytery of England and the Presbytery of Jerusalem.) The Presbytery of Europe was created in 1974 through the union of the former Presbyteries of North Europe, South Europe and Spain & Portugal, being officially renamed the Presbytery of International Charges in 2016.

Presbyterian Tradition

The Church of Scotland grew out of the Protestant Reformation, which took place in the 16th century. At that time, people in many countries across Europe began to claim:

  • The freedom to read and respond to the Bible for themselves
  • The freedom to have a direct relationship with God, without the mediation of a priest or the church authority
  • The freedom to set their own consciences against the demands of religious institutions

In Scotland, the influence of Martin Luther and John Calvin gave rise to the Scottish Reformation which was led by, among others, John Knox. Throughout the 17th century this developed into the Presbyterian system of church government as we recognize it today.

Over the years, Presbyterianism has found its way to all parts of the world where Scots have settled and taken their distinctive form of worship and church government. In Bermuda, the first religious service conducted on the island after settlement was recorded as being conducted in the Presbyterian tradition.

The work of Scottish missionaries has resulted in the establishment of vibrant Presbyterian churches in Africa, India and the West Indies, whose witness today we are privileged to share.